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Please click on the below categories to review our products in detail.
Powder Coating Equipments
Please click on the picture above to examine the products belonging to the category in detail and to place an order.
Thermoplastic Powder coatings Equipments
Please click on the picture above to examine the products belonging to the category in detail and to place an order.
Application Systems
Please click on the picture above to examine the products belonging to the category in detail and to place an order.
Industrial Furnaces
Please click on the picture above to examine the products belonging to the category in detail and to place an order.
Surface Cleaning Systems
Please click on the picture above to examine the products belonging to the category in detail and to place an order.
Conveyor Systems
Please click on the picture above to examine the products belonging to the category in detail and to place an order.
Spare Part
Please click on the picture above to examine the products belonging to the category in detail and to place an order.
Özel Tasarım
Apart from our standard production equipments, we meet the special size and process characteristics of your needs.
Welcome to Static Machine

Our company, which has been working in surface coating sector for over 30 years, serves to nearly 20 countries together with Ülkemiz.

It continues its activities with an operating principle that not only follows the sector but also guides the sector with its principles of quality service and unconditional customer satisfaction.

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